[Guest Blogger Series] Making Time For More Family Time by Kerem Hanci

This month Mommy Hiker is pleased, honored and proud to welcome my very own husband, Kerem Hanci to the Guest Blogger Series! Pro Photographer, Husband, Daddy, Blogger extraordinaire, he has been writing his own very popular Friday Photo Blog for just over 5 years now and if you've been with us from the beginning, you may remember waaaay back almost a year ago to his first Mommy Hiker Guest Post (Wow! A year!). Let's give him a warm welcome back!

I am so happy to reconnect with all the readers of Mommy Hiker again.

As a professional photographer who shoots primarily weddings, summer is extremely busy for me. 
Although this can create certain challenges in getting my much-needed family time, I never let it become an excuse to take those precious fleeting moments away from me.

We were able to schedule a fantastic camping trip (
my blog post on that trip and I am sure you already have read Jen’s blog post) last month and this past week was extremely busy for us in a very good, outdoorsy way!

toddler playing in park

toddler playing in park

First we spent an entire afternoon at the park.  We were supposed to meet with friends and something came up on their end and we ended up having a family day at the park.

toddler playing in park 

toddler playing in park

Following that wonderful day, right before the weekend, I went along to my first official Mommy Hiker Los Angeles hike! The Mommy Hiker regulars and their children who joined, the energy of the group and the joyful couple of hours that followed were one of the absolute highlights of my summer!

kids hiking kids hikingkids hiking

The camaraderie of the children, with the older ones taking responsability for the younger ones was adorable to witness.  I kind of stayed away from the socializing moms (which is another perk for the members of the Mommy Hiker community) and focused on the children.  Their laughter, their fascination with the nature and their endless imagination uplifted me to a whole different level on Friday morning.

kids hiking

kids hiking

The lunch time was a carnival of carefully packed delicious, healthy snacks and it was followed by a festival of children taking turns blowing bubbles and get lost in their excitement of chasing soapy water filled with air. The joy of life really is just that simple!

kids hiking
kids hiking

Over the weekend we drove down to Long Beach for a baby shower, than we drove up to Oxnard for a wild-life cruise, which Jennifer is dedicating an entire blog post to later this month.

whale watching cruise channel islands

whale watching cruise channel islands

I am certain I am preaching to the choir here, but I would like to finish this photography-heavy blog with this: don’t say you would go out and explore the outdoors and let your child(ren)’s imagination run wild “when you can”.  Make time for it, create it and give your undivided attention to how your little one is expanding his/her horizons.  Expand yours with theirs.  We are blessed in California, with year-round lovely weather, kid and wallet-friendly outdoor attractions.  Come join the Mommy Hiker group when they are hiking on Friday mornings and make a serious effort to go every week.  It is a fantastic opportunity to stay in shape, to challenge the little ones and yourself to achieve new heights in personal development.

kids hiking

This was the first time I joined them hiking, you can be sure it was not the last time!  See you all soon on a hiking trail with the little ones!

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